The Garden

The tiered, landscaped gardens fed by an automated watering system are an absolute joy.

The tiered, landscaped gardens fed by an automated watering system are an absolute joy. Sit under the expansive wisteria covered pergola for summer entertaining and enjoy fruit garden with quince, peaches, plums, nectarines, lemons, limes, oranges and apples, vegetable beds, a daffodil walk, the pond lawn and weaving hedge.


The fountain base has been reclaimed from an old goldmine near Smeaton and was used as a cattle trough by a local farmer and is surrounded by box hedging with perennials and meadow flowers.

The Nature Strip

The Nature strip is planted out with Alice Oakleaf Hydrangea to front fence with  Wisteria climbing over the fence that is from the original root stock planted 60 years ago. 3 new Crimson flowering Hawthorn’s are planted outside the new extension to match the existing trees in the street.

Upper lawn area

Cloud box hedging with Mingara Italian ivy growing around stepping stones with Wisteria planted to the new pergolas. There are 3 standard Gorgeous Crab apples on the lawn, Chaenomeles japonica hedging and a Tulip tree surrounded by perennials and meadow flowers.

Weaving Hedge

The Weaving Hedge is made up of Ligustrum privet hedges with Box hedging.

Pond lawn

Ligustrum privet hedges, Copper beech hedging and Box hedging with a Golden Ash tree and Bluebells.

Daffodil Walk

The Daffodil walk has Washington Hawthorn all the way to the rear fence with Feijoa and blueberry hedging and Daffodils.

Fruit Garden

The fruit garden has Quince, Peach, Plum, Nectarine, Black Mulberry, Apple, Orange, Lemon and Lime tree with Hornbeam hedging.

Vegetable Garden

Ready for you to plant the vgetable garden has Strawberries, Asparagus crowns, Logan berry, Fig trees and Rhubarb ready to go.

Kitchen Courtyard

Rowan tree Portuguese laurel, Black Magnolia. A Mingara Italian ivy climbs over the retaining wall.


Pistachio Nut, Hazel Nuts, Persimmon, Apricots, Feijoa and Blueberries.